Online Program Launches Summer Solstice 2020
Your writing toolkit is inside you—do you feel called to release it?
Join Om & Ink’s newsletter so you’re first to know the details.
Discover your authentic voice and sharpen your writing craft
on a journey into your own intuitive well.
The mind-body connection is a powerful tool to bring to the page. When we tune into our own bodies, we are our most free and creative selves. This gentle workshop series gives you a weekly opportunity to dive deeply into your body and put pen to paper. Experience a combination of gentle flows and mindful, organic movements to nurture your spirit, ignite your creativity, and inquire within. Follow the poetry of your own body to inspire your writing practice as you connect your sensory experiences to the page.
For those interested in memoir, fiction, and poetry writing, the creative process (we’ve had painters join us!), and/or therapeutic journaling. Any level of yoga and meditation experience is welcome. Have your journal, pen and yoga mat ready!
- Yoga, meditation, and writing practices
- A guided meditation delivered as an mp3 file via email following class
- A related poem or story for outside reading
- Additional exercises for home practice

Week 1: Open Your Heart: Creative Somatic Expression to Break Through Writing Blocks
Sometimes we just need to ‘play in the sandbox’ to loosen up our artistic spirit, release our inner child, and free our creativity. Experience an organic, freeing practice (we just might dance a bit!) to nurture and spark your imagination. Arrive willing to explore, break rules, and allow yourself to just be. Move into your heart center to abandon the weights blocking you from your creative path and find our inner wilderness. Cleanse, clear, and change your energy to unleash your creative prowess!
Week 2: Exploring the Sixth Chakra: Accessing Your Creative & Intuitive Well
Dive deeply into an exploration of the sixth chakra, Ajna, located at the center of your forehead. Known as the third eye, Ajna is the center of intuition. Experience this mind-body journey to access your creative and intuitive wellspring with poses and exercises specifically geared toward opening this chakra. Invent, innovate, and inquire on the mat and the page to uncover your intuition!
Week 3: Sensory Explosion: Bringing Experiences to the Page
Before we write, we must first experience. Then we can translate those experiences to the page—whether just for ourselves or for an audience. Utilizing all the senses in your writing is the key to vivid detail and lasting impact. Journey through exercises that tap into your powers of observation to enhance your writing and creative practices. Taste, touch, smell, feel, hear, and intuit your way through this class!
Week 4: Exploring the Fifth Chakra: Finding Your Authentic Voice
Move past your inner critic to find your authentic voice with visualization, intention setting, and chanting, as we explore the fifth chakra, Vishuddha, the throat chakra. Peel back layers, let go of the weights you carry that are hurdles to your creative practice, and tap into the power of words—both as motivation and vibrational healing—to allow your true voice to unfold.
Week 5: Yoga As Story: Developing Your Practice & Writing Tools
Experience narrative through yoga as we create stories with the shapes and movement of our bodies to inspire our writing practice. We’ll explore how yoga opposites like strength and ease, effort and surrender, dynamic and static movement, and the practice of Yoga Nidra, known as yogic rest, apply to your writing.
Week 6: Connecting & Grounding: Finding Your Strength & Stability
Yoga and writing are practices of being present. Connect to your surroundings and ground to the earth through a free-flowing practice inspired by our natural surroundings as we strengthen the net to our creative community. Establish your roots, inner strength, and stability. *Portions of this week’s class take place outside at a nearby venue.*
Why Join?
- Release Writer’s Block
- Improve Your Writing With Sensory Detail
- Find Your Most Authentic Voice
- Build Your Own Writing Practice
- Find Freedom in Your Writing By Silencing Your Inner Critic
- Connect More Deeply To Your Own Body & Creative Spirit