Holiday Guide to Self-Care Kick-off!

Welcome December! And, happy last month of the year to you, darling reader! Through the month of December I’ll bring you installments that will nourish, ground, and replenish you during this busy season. I’ve created a new spin on the advent calendar–a...

Rain Salutations

Rain in Southern California is a rare treat. Wind, water exploding from the sky, hail pelting windows, heavy mist, thunder, anything resembling weather is a bit shocking, electrifying. It’s been a strange May—actually the wettest in 94 years. The May gray has kept...

Is that a poem in your pocket?

I am a prose writer who blurs the line between poetry, but it’s the poetic corners of my work that move me the most, that draw me to carry around journals of all sizes, to sit down at my computer, to observe the wind or trees or people for hours until their images...


Om & Ink is a meeting place for writing and meditative practice. For awakening your intuition, igniting your creativity energy, and cultivating more space in your life. It’s about experiencing and experimentation. Consider Om & Ink a studio that you can...